Frequently Asked Questions
Football camps start Mid-July and formal practices begin the first week of August.
Cheerleading practices start the first week of August
The first game will be on August 22 or 25 and we do play Labor Day weekend. View the team schedule for all program events and games.
Before the first game in August, football practices are Monday through Friday, 6-8 PM. Friday practices may be shortened. After the first game, practice days and times are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 6-8 PM. These times may adjust due to daylight issues in October.
Practices are held at Birmingham Groves High School. Please drop off your child at the northwest playing fields next to the football stadium.
Cheerleading practices are held two to three nights a week depending on team level. As cheer-off approaches, additional practices may be added.
Practices are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the week either at Groves or Seaholm High School.
Games are Saturday or Sunday of each week beginning the last week of August and there are eight consecutive game weeks during the regular season with the potential of three additional weeks for playoff-eligible teams. View the Team Schedule for the game schedule.
Home games are traditionally played at either Groves or Seaholm High School.
Away game fields can be found on the OMYFA website.
In the OMYFA league, we may play any of the following teams: Berkley Steelers, Chesterfield Chargers, Clawson Mavericks, Madison Heights Wolverines, NFWB Vikings, Romeo Jr. Bulldogs, Roseville Broncos, Royal Oak Titans, Shelby Lions, Troy Cowboys, or Waterford Corsairs.
In football, practice is essential for performing well during the year. A player missing practice may miss important schemes or scouting adjustments in any given week. With that said, the coaches recognize that illnesses and certain events occur that prevent children from making practice. Our official policy is that a player that has two unexcused practices during a game week cannot play. Players participating in school events such as camps are given excused absences. For clarification of any rule, please contact your assigned coaches.
All cheerleaders need to attend more than half of the practices to cheer at the weekend game. If a cheerleader misses multiple games, they may not be eligible to participate in the cheer-off competition per league rules.
Registration fees are used to defray all normal operating costs during the season for both the football and cheer programs including safety equipment re-certification, practice and home game field rental, trainer (medic) fees, league-provided referees, league-provided insurance, normal team equipment (footballs, etc) and practice and game jerseys. Football players receive a custom game jersey, customized with the player’s last name, that they get to keep at the end of the season. The Birmingham Patriots are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Football: There is a small list of items that is required for purchase, including cleats, a protective cup, a mouth guard, white socks, a girdle with pads, etc. The Patriots do sell apparel at an extra cost as a voluntary fundraiser and there are other fundraising events from time to time to help offset additional expenses.
Cheerleading: Additional items are required that need to be worn with the provided uniform. These items include cheer shoes, bodyliners, etc.
A small fee is required at each game for all attendees who are not athletes.
Personal and corporate donations are greatly appreciated and all donations go into a special fund for the sole purpose of purchasing the next generation of football and cheer safety equipment.
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